Digital Artwork

I will create for you a stunning digital artwork like children Book illustrations, Book Cover Design, Logo Design, etc. which will be created as you wanted and as per your requirements and directions.

Pricing for Children's Book Illustrations

  • Spot illustration –ย  โ‚น 2,000 per illustration (one time free revision)
  • Half-page illustration – โ‚น 3,500 per illustration (one time free revision)
  • Full Page illustration – โ‚น 7,000 per illustration (two times free revision)
  • Spread illustration – โ‚น 10,000 per illustration (two timesย  free revision)
  • Additional Charges for illustration revision – โ‚น 500 per revision

Pricing for Book Cover Design

  • Book Cover A:ย  Designed with a complete provided materials – โ‚น 4,000 per cover (one time free revision)
  • Book Cover B:ย  Designed with stock photos and given back cover book blurbs – โ‚น 6,000 per cover (one time free revision)
  • Book Cover C:ย  Designed with creating a concept based illustrations and given back cover book blurbs – โ‚น 10,000 per cover (two times free revision)
  • Book Cover D: Designed with creating a concept based illustrations and back cover book blurbs – โ‚น 13,000 per cover (three times free revision)
  • Additional Revision Charges for book design and writing book blurbs – โ‚น 500 per revision.

Pricing for Logo Design

  • Logo Redesign: Redesign logo with existing picture without anyย  modicafication –ย  โ‚น 4,000 per per logo (two times free revision)
  • Logo Redesign with Modification: Redesign logo with existing picture withย  modicafication –ย  โ‚น 5,000 per per logo (two times free revision)
  • Logo New: Creating New logo – โ‚น 6,000 per logo (three times free revision)
  • Additional Charges for logo revision – โ‚น 200 per revision
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